Aberdeen 2016

The 2016 TriNation meeting was held at Marine Lab in Aberdeen on October 12-13. Below is the program, with links to upoaded presentations (Some presentations can not be published due to sensitive information).

Session 1: Welcome & Situation updates.

Update on the situation in Scotland Marian McLoughlin, Fish Vet Group

Update on the situation in Ireland Susie Mitchell, Vet-Aqua International

Update on the situation in Norway Brit Hjeltnes, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

Industry update for Norway Marit Stormoen, Marine Harvest

Session 2: PD management and vaccination

Management and mitigation of PD in unvaccinated stock Abby Irish, Scottish Salmon Company

The management of PD-free zones in Norway Tore Hovland, Patogen

The economics of PD management Arnfinn Aunsmo, AquaGen

DNA vaccination against SPDV suppression of viremia, protection and individual monitoring Catherine Collins, Marine Scotland Science

Use of histopathological findings for vaccine efficacy testing in a salmon alphavirus challenge model Jeffrey Wolf, EPL, Inc.

PD DNA vaccine safety and efficacy Lisa Phillips, Elanco

Vaccine developments Ingunn Sommerset, MSD Animal Health

Next-Generation salmonid alphavirus vaccine development options Mia Hikke, MSD Animal Health

Session 3: New research I

First detection of Piscine reovirus in France Laurent Bigarre, ANSES

Effects of health diet on heart and skeletal muscle pathology and blood chemistry parameters Julia Mullins, Skretting

Experimental piscine orthoreovirus infection mediates protection against PD Magnus Vikan Røsæg, Salmar

SAV3 infection and shedding rate is dose dependent Sonal Patel, Institute of Marine Research

PD effects on digestibility Magnus Vikan Røsæg, Salmar

Salmonid alphavirus 3 (SAV3) recombines in Atlantic salmon Elin Petterson, NMBU

Session 4: New research II

Rainbow trout, a risk for PD in Atlantic salmon? Rodrigo Belmonte, MSD Animal Health

The occurrence of virus infections in wild salmonids and escaped farmed salmon Abdullah Madhun, Institute of Marine Research

In-field PD experiences: results from on-farm interviews Mona Dverdal Jansen, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

Epidemiological study of CMS Julie Svendsen, Norwegian Veterinary Institute


Gold sponsors for the 2016 TriNation meeting:


Bronze sponsor for the 2016 TriNation meeting: