For a while, there has been a
discussion that TriNation should have its own logo. Something to recognize the
Therefore, TriNation Steering group would like to invite anyone with a creative mind to submit a logo for the TriNation, with the following criteria:
-Should be easily
-Easy to print
-Should contain the word
-Should somehow relate to the
three viral diseases; PD, HSMI and CMS, and/or to viral diseases of hearts in
salmonids. It should be thus discernable from other «Trination» initiatives.
Remember, that the aim of the TriNation is to integrate and focus the activities of academia and industry from Norway, Ireland, Scotland and more recently other salmon farming regions on SAV, PRV and PMCV and related diseases. Your logo suggestion should be forwarded to Tore Hovland (tore @ (remove spaces), before May 10th. You can use any format you like for the proposal. The winner of the competition will be announced at the meeting in Dublin, and a suitable and attractive prize will be handed over, in addition to the honour of having designed the one and only TriNation logo.