Presentations from the past meeting can now be found here
We would like to thank all the presenters, participants and sponsors for making the 2019-meeting a succes!

Presentations from the past meeting can now be found here
We would like to thank all the presenters, participants and sponsors for making the 2019-meeting a succes!
The registration for the meeting has now been closed. The final program and other usefull information can be found here:
Looking forward to seeing you all in Dublin next week!
For the 2019 TriNation meeting, we invite scientists or industry representatives to submit presentations on current research updates on PD, CMS or HSMI and PRV.
Focus areas for this year’s meeting will be:
-Experience from the field. First hand reports from fish health personnel
-Vaccination and control. Special focus on experience from field and deformity/welfare issues
-Concurrent infections, including diagnostic challenges in regard to this.
-Discussion on the use of models for disease spread in control and legislation. Including experiences with the new Norwegian PD legislation.
-Welfare session. Coupled with heart diseases.
Presentations addressing any of these issues are therefore specifically encouraged, but all new and relevant research regarding the three diseases and their agents are welcome.
If you are interested in giving a presentation, please forward a title, name and affiliation of presenter and a short description of the topic (3-5 lines), including a brief summary of the practical implications of the findings. The presentation should be applicable and focused towards solutions for the industry. Please keep in mind that this is not a scientific conference only for researchers!
Proposals should be sent to britt-bang.jensen @ (remove all spaces before mailing).
We will close for abstract submission April 15th, and let presenters know May 3rd (at the latest) if they have been selected or not. In case more presentations are submitted than can be accommodated in the program, the steering committee will choose those that fit the program best between the submitted presentations for oral presentations, and the rest will be offered to give a poster instead.
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 TriNation meeting will take place at Trinity college in Dublin on the 11-13th of June 2018.
The scope of the meeting will include both PD, HSMI and CMS.
The Steering group is working on the outline of the program, and more information will be available in due time.
For now, please save the dates!