TriNation 2021 updates

The TriNation meeting 2021 is still planned to go ahead on April 21-22. The Steering Committee is currently looking into options for having the meeting as a virtual meeting, due to the still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

We therefore encourage submission of abstracts, as per the call for abstracts below.


Call for abstracts – TriNation 2021

For the 2021 TriNation meeting, we once again invite scientists or industry representatives to submit presentations on current research updates on PD, CMS or HSMI and PRV.

All new and relevant research regarding the three diseases and their agents are welcome. We especially encourage presentations on experiences in handling the diseases and infections in the field.

The abstract submission form can be found here:

You’ll be asked to provide the following:

-Title of presentation

-Name of authours and co-authors

-A summary of the presentation of up to 4000 characters

-A short description on how this is relevant to the industry

Please keep in mind that this is not a scientific conference only for researchers.

The abstract submission will close on December 15th.

In case more presentations are submitted than can be accommodated in the program, the steering committee will choose those that fit the program best between the submitted presentations for oral presentations, and the rest will be offered to give a poster instead.

New TriNation Maillist and Newsletters

The TriNation secretariat have changed to another way of distributing newsletters to all our followers. We have created a maillist with previous participants to our meetings and others who have shown interest, but if you wish to sign up for the newsletter, please use the form at the right side of this page. It is allways possible to unsubscribe or change email or afilliation using the links at the bottom of the newsletter.

The newsletter is only used to distrubute information related to TriNation meetings.

TriNation meeting 2020 postponed

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 TriNation meeting will not be held in November 2020 as originally planned.

Instead, the meeting will be planned to take place on April 21-22nd 2021. We are planning to host a physical meeting, and have reserved the Scottish Government building at Victoria Quay in Edinburgh.

Information on abstract submission and the program will follow in due course.


TriNation 2020 -first announcement

The 2020 meeting will take place at Victoria Quay in Edinburgh, which provides an easily accessible venue for participants from all countries. The meeting will be from November 10th-12th 2020.

The program is under planning, and will include the following sessions:

-Welcome & Situation updates from (PD, CMS & HSMI)

-Experience from the production and the use of management strategies to mitigate disease.

-Vaccination and control. Special focus on experience from field use of CLYNAV and on best practice for administering vaccine.

-Experience with the use of functional feed in the field.

-Welfare and viral cardiomyopathies. Factors that influences mortality, ie. Mechanical lice treatments and concurrent infections with gill pathogens.

In addition, we invite scientists or industry representatives to submit presentations on current research updates on PD, CMS or HSMI.