Registration is now open

The registration for the 2022 TriNation meeting is now open here.
Deadline for registration is 1st November 2022.

Please note, that you will have to register for each day separetely, by choosing Day 1 and Day 2 lunch options.

We will be hosting dinner on day 1, 22nd November at Ghillie Dhu. Hoping that you have the possibility to join us, and choose this option during registration.

Other practical information will be posted eventually.

Call for abstracts – Trination 2022 Edinburgh 22nd – 23rd November

For the 2022 TriNation meeting, we invite scientists or industry representatives to submit abstracts on current research updates on PD, CMS or HSMI and PRV.

All new and relevant research regarding the three diseases and their agents are welcome. We especially encourage presentations on experiences from biosecurity measures and production strategies in handling the diseases and infections in the field.

Tentative sessions are:

  • Welcome & Situation updates (PD, CMS & HSMI)
  • Production strategies on disease management
  • Disease biomarkers and diagnostic tools
  • Disease control strategies – including biosecurity and vaccination
  • New research

The abstract submission form can be found here.

You’ll be asked to provide the following:

  • Title of presentation
  • Name of authours and co-authors
  • A summary of the presentation of up to 4000 characters
  • A short description on how this is relevant to the industry

Please keep in mind that this is not a scientific conference only for researchers.

The abstract submission will close on September 15th.

In case more presentations are submitted than can be accommodated in the program, the steering committee will choose those that fit the program best between the submitted presentations for oral presentations, and the rest will be offered to give a poster instead.

Triantion meeting postponed further to November 2022

The restrictions due Covid-19 pandemic, have lead us to postpone the 2022 TriNation meeting that was planned to be held in April 2022. to November 2022

The meeting is now planned planned to take place on November 22-23 2022. Earlier this week it was announced to be held in October,2022, however to avoid collision with another national meeting in Norway (Havbrukskonferanse 2022), it has been delayed with yet another month. 

We are planning to host a physical meeting, and have reserved the venue at Royal college of Physicians in Edinburgh.

Information on abstract submission and the program will follow in due course.

TriNation meeting April 2022 postponed

The restrictions due Covid-19 pandemic, have lead us to postpone the 2022 TriNation meeting that was planned to be held in April 2022.

Instead, the meeting is planned to take place on October 19-20 2022. We are planning to host a physical meeting, and have reserved the a venue at Royal college of Physicians in Edinburgh.

Information on abstract submission and the program will follow in due course.