Bergen 2018

The 2018 TriNation meeting was held at VilVite Science center in Bergen on March 13-15th. Below is the program, with links to uploaded presentations (Presentations marked with * can not be published due to sensitive information).

Situation updates:

Update on the situation in Scotland Marian McLoughlin, Fish Vet Group

Update on the situation in Ireland Susie Mitchell, Vet-Aqua International

Update on the situation in Norway Brit Hjeltnes, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

Control of PD:

New PD regulations in Norway. Martin Binde, Norwegian Food Safety Authority

The purpose and challenge of screening programs, Britt Bang Jensen, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

SAV2 -Effects and costs for the industry Jostein Mulder Pettersen, Patogen AS

Industry presentations

New research I: Control of PD:

Best practice for tissue and tests for screening for PD/SAV. Hilde Sindre, Norwegian Veterinary Institute

Field study comparing qPCR monitotring of SAV. Aoife Westgård, Aqua Kompetanse AS*

Clinical blood chemistry as a tool for monitoring fish with PD Hege Hellberg, FishVetGroup Norge

Scottish Industry PD mapping project. Liam Doherty, MSD Animal Health UK

Krill-enriched feed for rapid recovery after infection with SPDV. Trygve Sigholt, Biomar Norge AS

New research II: Vaccine development

SAV3 challenge model optimization for testing DNA vaccine. Lisa Phillips, Elanco

PD vaccination for Rainbow trout: safe and efficacious Rodrigo Belmonte, MSD Animal Health

Vaccine efficacy of DNA vaccine expressing the non-structural proteins of PRV. Espen Rimstad, Norwegian University of Life sciences

Benchmark of a PD-vaccine. Magnus V. Røsæg, Salmar

New research III: Transmission and virulence

Molecular studies of SAV3 isolates from mild and severe PD outbreaks. Ingunn Sommerset , MSD AH Norge AS

Characterization of four SAV2 strains from Norway. Marius Karlsen, Pharmaq*

Ultrastructural insights into the replication cycle of SPDV. Patricia Noguera, Marine Scotland Science*

Rapid whole-genome sequencing of SAV using the MinION platform Michael D. Gallagher, University of Aberdeen

ALPHA JECT micro 1 PD – experiences from field testing. Anne Aas-Eng, PHARMAQ

Pancreas disease – factors influencing transmission and infection. Sonal Patel, Institute of Marine Research

New research IV: Transmission and virulence

Susceptibility to Salmomid alphavirus (SAV) of different Salmon breed linesNoelia Nuñez-Ortiz, Institute of Marine Research

Susceptibility of sea trout post-smolts to SAV and PRV. Kvamme, B. O, Institute of Marine Reseach

Isolation and genetic characterisation of SAV isolated from wild caught ballan wrasse off the coast of Ireland Neil Ruane, Marine Institute

Experimental challenge of wild-caught common dab, European plaice, Lemon sole and European flounder with salmonid alphavirus (SAV). Steffen H. Blindheim, (ILAB)*

Hypoxia tolerance and responses to hypoxic stress during HSMI in Atlantic salmon Morten Lund, Patogen


Situation updates:

Overview of the CMS-situation in Ireland. Susie Mitchell, FishVetGroup

Update on the situation in Norway. Camilla Fritsvold, NVI

CMS from an industry perspective. Sandra Sclittenhardt, Marine Harvest Ireland

New research V: Transmission and development of CMS

Review of current knowledge and  CMS in wild salmon in Norway Åse H. Garseth, NVI

CMS in the Faroe Islands. Debes Christiansen, Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority*

The case for and against vertical transmission of PMCV. Britt Bang Jensen, NVI*

New research VI: Infection dynamics and diagnostics

Development of infection in the field on a herd level. Julie C. Svendsen, NVI*

Risk factors for CMS. Arthur Mårtensson, NVI*

Screening for PMCV. Stian Nylund, Pharmaq Analytiq

PMCV: Improved diagnostics and investigating the prevalence in farmed and wild fish in Ireland Andrew Tighe, Marine Intitute

. Infection dynamics and genetic variability of the virus over the course of infectionØystein Evensen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Development of CMS challenge models. Makoto Inami, VESO Vikan

Thanks to the sponsors of the 2018 TriNation meeting: